‘So the Omega Workshops closed down. The shades of the Post-Impressionists have gone to join the other shades; no trace of them is now to be seen in Fitzroy Square. The giant ladies have been dismounted from the doorway and the rooms have other occupants. But some of the things he made still remain – a painted table; a witty chair; a dinner service; a bowl or two of that turquoise blue that the man from the British Museum so much admired. And if by chance one of those broad deep plates is broken, or an accident befalls a blue dish, all the shops in London may be searched in vain for its fellow.’ Thus Virginia Woolf described the demise of the Omega Workshops in her 1940 biography of Roger Fry.

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Recipe writer, passionate baker, obsessed collector of 20th Century decorative stuffs. Madly sowing and digging in my new garden.
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always interested to hear of any Bloomsbury group, Quentin Bell or Omega Workshops pieces for sale

I am currently researching a catalogue raisonne of the Omega Workshops and would love to hear from anyone with any pieces.

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