Little known artists... Dolores Courtney
Information on Dolores Courtney is a little ‘thin on the ground’. In fact there are only four known extant paintings by her. The two oils in my collection came from Roger Fry’s estate. She worked alongside Nina Hamnett at the Omega Workshops between 1915-1917 and there is a remarkable portrait of Dolores (titled The Student), painted by Nina in 1917 that is held in the Ferens Art Gallery (Kingston upon Hull).
She was born in Russia; her father was in the diplomatic service and the family has Spanish connections. Went to Paris to study, joined the Brangwyn School in London, and then returned to Paris, attending one of the academies (possibly Vichy). She married an American (R. Courtney) and settled in London around 1914.
She was born in Russia; her father was in the diplomatic service and the family has Spanish connections. Went to Paris to study, joined the Brangwyn School in London, and then returned to Paris, attending one of the academies (possibly Vichy). She married an American (R. Courtney) and settled in London around 1914.