little known artists... Peggy Angus
Peggy Angus's belief that art could be found in everyday items pervaded her life and work. Floor tiles, wallpaper, party invitations, scary masks, mosaic stepping stones, children's toys, a birthday cake or a political cartoon, all were enhanced by her love of colour, design and craft. Peggy's art enriches the lives of those who live with it, but perhaps her greatest legacy is the number of artists and craft workers who came to their art through her inspiration.
Peggy Angus was born in 1904, in Chile, the 11th of 13 children of a Scottish railway engineer. In 1922 she went to the Royal College of Art, starting off in the painting school but switching to the Design School, where her contemporaries and friends included Helen Binyon, Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious.
Peggy Angus was born in 1904, in Chile, the 11th of 13 children of a Scottish railway engineer. In 1922 she went to the Royal College of Art, starting off in the painting school but switching to the Design School, where her contemporaries and friends included Helen Binyon, Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious.